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Misplaced Karenina
I am perhaps in aweof your feathered-cap majesty,you hypocrite princess,our transplanted Kareninaof a Kremlin motorway.What good or what rot,in...
The letters between us
1.Did you hear the horse thunder and taste the dustin your cabin? The wild hooves kicked up a stormlast night. The hours passed as I reread your...
point nemo
I was told truth is the oakthat holds its leaves each winter. A promisedelayed. As it turns out, I forgetthe rules. I never can know them. This one...
I was told I was a natural pianist
Your words have faded, once perchedbetween the lines, now aloft in eddiesmore erstwhile than eccentric, that distortthe shape of sadness that hangs...
He tucks the $5 into his sockand looks up at my babysays When my son was a babyI used to sit up all nightto make sure he was breathing WHERE IS HE...
my plan for marriage
My plan for marriagewas couragethe way a planelands by sinkingthen with a rush of strengthflexes to kiss the tarmacas an equal a drama soon...
Eternal Radiance
For Giyazah I pray...
i. my injuries...
i think i should try therapy again
which is to sayi’m...
Tomorrow knocks againSo patientlyCarrying the pain of her childrenAnd asking us to let her inFor she is a solitary travelerWith only one door to try...
Twenty-First Century Red Riding Hood
The world is my mother and Mother is a witch,she says, a psychological horror protagonistwalled in, exit forbidden sans consent.Lest the teen...
The Stress of Poverty Lowers the Capacity to Learn
I’m climbing out of this secret.At the benefactress soiree,I tuck a ladder inside my ear to remind myselfno personality lives beyond the...
there’s a shade of bluethat pulls in with the cloudsover the glacierwhere the ice pushes back against Apollobegs the navy, canary meshing opento...
i.if i’m telling the truth—and i am, this time—every time i look at myself in the mirror i’m looking for someone else.this secret dialect, disguised...
Ieva Dapkevicius "The city's name is the same as one of the Ukrainian namesfor Artemisia vulgaris, mugwort or common wormwood."Etymology of...
Still Life
“Let's not marinade in delusion and call it bravery for my sake, please,” I say, picking at the newly formed scab on my knee. The ones that...
Constant Stalker
The bus is late. The afternoon sun is merciless. “Bad accident,” one of the dozen of us waiting announces without looking up from studying the...
Where is Her Wallet
Deborah lost her wallet. Most of us have at one time or another. It’s one of the awful feelings, that moment when you know you don’t know. Or the...
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