I Would Wreck Your Ship

shame keeps me warm at nightburns bright in my bonesburnished to a glow bywincing ruminations about yougutted with the loss ofwhat could have beengrateful the door neveropened widerto let in more welted regretlivid on my skinhurricaned with wounds thatlast foreverwhat...


regretbecomes a guest that never leaveswaking side by sideeach day we trudge in unisonentwined among my veinsand chiralityit tugs me this way and thatkeeping me carefuland safeand wishingI could unwind its bittered pithfrom my skin, peelit away from each limband...

In September

when the borders between usare more jasmine than fence,more mistake than betrayal,I will cross the dew-wet streetwithout looking, you’ll seemore optimist than woman. Samantha Johnson (she/her) is a poet in Melbourne, working on her debut collection.  Her work...


On the hills I am barefoot, ankles rainbow-strungwith friendship, picking through scree.In the streams I gather my skirts insmiles, hug baby to my hip, sing to the fishes.In the valley I bathe in shade, stuff pocketswith berries, practise echoes.In the forest I birth...

Six-Legged Mare

Ed note: An earlier version of this poem originally appeared at honeyfirelit in October 2021.You and I could simply touchwe’d createa monstersix-legged mareit wouldn’t fit in a barn...


sun drips / sky sighs / night sleeps / day risebean brews / clock sings / she wakes / she criesblood red / dreams shred / old frights / walk nightsshe breathes / she pours / first sip / time soars McAllister David is a mathematics major and lover of literature. He...