by | Issue #6, Issues, Poetry

We drove out west to
the wealthy part of town
to drink fancy beer and
eat tiny portions and
play make-believe.

On this side of town, the
McDonald’s isn’t red, but
forest-green with
exposed brick, like
an old university hall
likely named for some
confederate darling.

If Egypt has the McArabia, and
France has Le Croque McDo,
I wonder if Green McDonald’s has the
McFoie Gras, the
wagyu Big Mac.

I wonder if their Play Place
is hot and sticky
like ours.

I learned in school that
red and yellow make us
hungry, more so than any other
pair of colors. I don’t imagine
the people here, in their
seven-figure McMansions
know hunger like I do.

MADDY SNEEP’s work can be found in Hearth and Coffin, Hot Pot Magazine, Stone of Madness, and elsewhere. Her poetry won 3rd place in the Papers Publishing Poetry and Prose Contest in 2023. She also peddles her wares on her Etsy shop, SNEEPSTUDIOS. She lives in Austin, TX with her two cats who inspire her to work less and lounge more. Follow her Instagram @SNEEPSTUDIOS.